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One Year Ago Today: Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill
Opinion, Politics Omar Khan Opinion, Politics Omar Khan

One Year Ago Today: Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill

To mark the finale of our ‘Hong Kong: One Year Ago Today’ initiative as well as the significance of last year’s event, we reveal to you our final Opinion piece, ‘One Year Ago Today: Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill’. Reflecting on the events of last year, the article revisits ‘the rationale, the content of the bill that started it all, as well as the reasons for its widespread opposition.’

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Hong Kong’s Role as ‘A Mere Pawn’ in the Game of US-China Relations

Hong Kong’s Role as ‘A Mere Pawn’ in the Game of US-China Relations

It has often been critiqued that the Hong Kong people’s trustful calls for the US President Donald Trump to ‘save’ the city during the current climate of crisis as futile and redundant in their approach. Not only are the demonstrators being used to ‘further their own ruin’ but are simply deluded by the apparent support from the Western media, equating maximum media exposure as shows of solidarity and support.

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'Hong Kong Nationalism': why 'national identification' cannot be directly equated with independence
Opinion, Politics, History, Culture Omar Khan Opinion, Politics, History, Culture Omar Khan

'Hong Kong Nationalism': why 'national identification' cannot be directly equated with independence

From socio-cultural identification to the collectivisation of separatism, localism, nationalism, demands for self-autonomous rule and democracy under the same motivations of ‘Hong Kong independence,’ the article, complemented with a summary of Hong Kong’s historical past, aims to highlight the differences behind all these terms and focus on Hong Kong’s ‘core values’ and related merits.

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