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Asian Colonisation: The Case of Japan and Taiwan

Inspiration of Dystopian Cyberpunk - the History and Culture of the Kowloon Walled City
This article aims to give an overview of the history of the Kowloon Walled City, while identifying how the Walled City is a representation of cultural identity of Hongkongers.

A Brief Introduction to the History Behind the Bumiputera Policy

From the Macro Standpoint: A Shallow Exploration of the People’s Republic of China’s Perspective on Taiwan

Unveiling a new perspective? ‘China’s Hidden Century’ Exhibition Review
Mona reviews the highly rated British Museum exhibition China’s Hidden Century which ran from 18 May to 8 October 2023.

The Dispute over Taiwan — A Historical Insight
Aryaman Srivastava analyses the contemporary issue of Taiwan through an insightful, historical lens.

Common Wealth VS. Neoliberalism: A comparison between Chinese and Western Capitalism — a historical perspective
Jacqueline Yi traces the origins of capitalism in Western civilisations and socialism in the East, illuminating how historical perspectives bridge gaps in our understanding of contrasting societies.

Tracing the Amalgamation of British and Chinese Influences in the Hong Kong Education System
Sunnie Chan looks into traces of British influence in Hong Kong’s education system in an exploration of Western influences in the Asian financial center.