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India’s ‘Big Brother’ Dilemma in Post-Hasina Bangladesh: Is the Strategic Handshake Over?

Malaysian Cuisine: A Diplomatic Tool on the Global Scale

The War in Ukraine: A Battleground for an Asian Proxy War
This article discusses the geopolitical impact of the Russia-Ukraine War. Identifying its key alliances that have stood behind each country from the start, the article also examines its impact of the Asian superpowers global order.

China on Palestine

The Belt and Road Initiative: A Pursuit of Hegemony
The BRI was introduced as a critical foreign policy strategy, but has its appeal diminished and what would this mean for Chinese hegemony in Asia? Aryaman unpacks these important questions in this article.

NOA Episode 9.3 Chinese Neocolonialism in the Changing Global Order
Continuing our discussion of China-Africa relations, this episode focuses on the wider discourse surrounding China’s neo-colonial practices in Africa and beyond. The nature of China’s relations with many countries today has been frequently held in comparison to European colonial practices in the 19th and 20th century. Critiqued as a form of neo-colonialism, join our moderator, Angela, and Min Jing, a writer from UCL Asiatic Affairs, together with Lisa, Larissa and Stephen from UCL African Conference in examining the competing narratives behind this discourse.

NOA Episode 9.1 Understanding China’s Foreign Policy and the African Debt-Crisis
Exploring the impact of Chinese investment on Africa’s infrastructural development, this episode engages with various interpretations of China’s investment in Africa, China’s practice of ‘debt-trap’ diplomacy and further contemplates the degree to which China is ‘good’ for Africa’s economy.