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NOA Episode 5.1 Three Hong Kongers On A Sofa: You, Me We
In the first of our two-part podcast series, ‘Three Hong Kongers On A Sofa: You, Me, We’, we will be sharing with you a series of reflections on last summer, touching on areas such as initial reactions to the movement, impact on daily life in Hong Kong and also observations of the various reactions and responses in the community. There will also be room for brief insight into the key features of the movement and observable differences in the city.

NOA Episode 4 Singapore’s Response to Coronavirus: The ‘Golden Standard’
On another episode of Narratives of Asia, we will be interviewing Dr Anita Soosay, a medical doctor working and living in Singapore, to discuss Singapore’s response to coronavirus: what went right, what went wrong and where we go from here. Previously recognised by the WHO for its initial virus response as the ‘Gold Standard’, spikes in cases amongst the migrant worker communities poses a challenge to its prior abilities to curb the initial number of infections without calling for a complete lockdown.⠀

NOA Episode 3 Coronavirus and Racism: the Asian American Narrative
On another episode of Narratives of Asia, we will be continuing on our previous theme of Coronavirus and Racism. Due to a combination of media stigmatization and perpetuation of the virus origins, anti-Chinese sentiments have increased greatly across the international community, witnessing dramatic increases in racist attacks, harassment and assaults.

NOA Episode 2.2 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus
Our topic for this two-part podcast is a snapshot of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in East Asia, the South East Asia region, South Asia and the Middle East. In this episode, we will be looking at the Middle East instead and some of the areas we will be focusing on including the diplomatic developments between countries in the region with the US over trade and exports, the fall of oil prices in the Gulf Cooperation Council region (or GCC for short), Palestinian and Israelian cooperation in their efforts to contain the coronavirus, and also looking closer at regions like Yemen, riddled with years of intrastate wars and refugee crises, and how they are coping under the pressures of the pandemic.

NOA Episode 2.1 A Deep Dive into the Socio-Economic Impacts of Coronavirus
Our topic for this two-part podcast is a snapshot of the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in East Asia, the South East Asia region, South Asia and the Middle East. In this episode, we will be touching bases with issues like China’s global economic integration, impacts on the worst-hit sectors like that of travel and tourism, and finally, dispel the myth behind the uncannily low numbers of cases detected in South Asia.

NOA Episode 1.2 Coronavirus and Racism
The virus itself is a threat to public health, and somehow, the masks represent that threat because people here are told only to wear masks if they are ill. But there are two different ways of going about the whole idea of mask wearing.

NOA Episode 1.1 Coronavirus and Racism
I think the interesting thing about us being Asians is that we are minority but not in the same sense as other people. There is a term they use to describe this, which is ‘model minority’. So we are the minority, but we are not too different.