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Inhibitor of social change, recipe for economic self-sufficiency or a driver of political chaos?
An investigation into the ‘yellow economy’ phenomenon, the Insight piece, ‘The ‘yellow economic circle’: Inhibitor of social change, recipe for economic self-sufficiency or a driver of political chaos?’ provides a basic outline of the submovement and explores the various rhetorics that have been expressed over its implications. Assessing its involvement in both political and economic discourses, this article promises an in-depth examination of the ‘yellow economic circle’, its origins, its impacts and its sustainability in the long-term.

‘Yellow Economic Circle’: A social movement that utilises economic means to achieve political ends
The debates over the ‘yellow economic circle’ remains inconclusive. Due to its multifaceted nature, the extent and degree of its impact across different areas of society, the ‘yellow economic circle’ can be termed a social movement that utilises economic means to achieve political ends.

Contingency or conditionality? How the ‘yellow economy’ must transform itself for survival
The ‘yellow economic circle’ has received varying degrees of contention over its survival. From initial dismissal as a potential force to be reckoned with by the officials to the recognition of its existence and condemnation of the ‘yellow effect,’ the efficacy of the movement is obvious enough but does this bode well for its long-term sustainability?

The ‘Yellow Effect’ - how successful has the ‘yellow economic circle’ been in achieving its aims?
Often critiqued for its lack of ‘singular purpose and consciousness’, challenges to its long-term sustainability are essentially testimonials to its leaderless status and provide credibility for its somewhat organic proliferation. With no formal collective monopolising, the ‘yellow economic circle’ has defined itself as a bottom-up- ‘for the people, by the people’ - movement, generated and sustained by supporters of the anti-extradition demonstrations in 2019.

#YellowEconomicCircle #黃色經濟圈
‘Economic circles’ are far from novel. However, the discourse generated as a result of its proliferation within Hong Kong’s socio-political climate proffers a prime opportunity to not only analyse the city’s socio-economic climate but also contextualise the waves of anti-government sentiment felt in the past year.