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Hong Kong’s Role as ‘A Mere Pawn’ in the Game of US-China Relations
It has often been critiqued that the Hong Kong people’s trustful calls for the US President Donald Trump to ‘save’ the city during the current climate of crisis as futile and redundant in their approach. Not only are the demonstrators being used to ‘further their own ruin’ but are simply deluded by the apparent support from the Western media, equating maximum media exposure as shows of solidarity and support.

‘Once Upon A Virus’

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: A Brief Overview
Report from the Daily Telegraph Australia, 4th May, revealed that a 15-page document had recently been obtained by the Saturday Telegraph which laid the foundations of the argument for China’s involvement in the coronavirus pandemic. Illustrated by a loose grouping of 5 themes, the alleged ‘dossier’, issued by the Five-Eyes network, listed out various accusations against China’s management of the crisis and further insinuated that China was ‘not acting like a responsible international citizen.’