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Singapore: Crossroads or Clash of Civilisations?
Shirin Goh explores the fundamental question: Is Singapore a crossroad or clash of civilisation?

Refugees and Migrant Workers in Asia – the forgotten victims of Covid-19?
From migrant workers in India, Rohingya refugees and their deportation from Malaysian shores, to the apparent systematic indifference and discrimination in Singapore’s handling of covid-19 amongst its migrant worker community. ‘Covid-19 has not only caused a global public health crisis, but also a humanitarian emergency.’

NOA Episode 4 Singapore’s Response to Coronavirus: The ‘Golden Standard’
On another episode of Narratives of Asia, we will be interviewing Dr Anita Soosay, a medical doctor working and living in Singapore, to discuss Singapore’s response to coronavirus: what went right, what went wrong and where we go from here. Previously recognised by the WHO for its initial virus response as the ‘Gold Standard’, spikes in cases amongst the migrant worker communities poses a challenge to its prior abilities to curb the initial number of infections without calling for a complete lockdown.⠀