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India’s ‘Big Brother’ Dilemma in Post-Hasina Bangladesh: Is the Strategic Handshake Over?

The Deadly Naxal Problem of India
India is beset by a huge problem of regional inequality. An important contributor towards the Northern social instability and economic stagnation are the Naxals. Owen looks at this terrorist organisation that many have not heard of.

The Indian Farmers’ Protests: A Triumph of Democracy
Aryaman writes about the ways in which the world’s largest democracy fights to uphold democratic principles.

The Quad: An Asiatic NATO?
Baran Agyuven reviews the past, present, and future of one of Asia’s most important inter-governmental groups.

NOA Episode 10: Pandemic Public Health Policies and State Governance: Blurred Grounds Between Authoritarian Regimes and Liberal Democracies
Exploring China’s diplomatic motivations, Taiwanese hacktivism culture and efficient government-led pandemic responses, this episode proffers a teaser for their recently published policy paper and offers introductory insight into the relationship between ideology, the state, and technology. Our affiliated research team from Bentham Brooks Institute discusses the deployment of digital surveillance models in India, the exportation of Chinese surveillance strategies abroad and further highlights their potential repercussions for a post-pandemic society.

Wedding Traditions of Asia: China, India, Indonesia
Weddings are by nature symbolic of the union between two families with the purpose of celebrating the marriage of two unique individuals. The diverse traditions of rituals, ceremonies and sermons being practiced across various Asian cultures is truly fascinating.

Citizen Amendment Act in India: A Democratically-sanctioned genocide underway?
A Hindu university standing against police brutality in a Muslim university is a true reflection of what Indian society was always meant to be - compassionate and tolerant. A land with abundant Islamic influence, which gave birth to four major world religions, cannot afford to be anything but secular.