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Inspiration of Dystopian Cyberpunk - the History and Culture of the Kowloon Walled City
This article aims to give an overview of the history of the Kowloon Walled City, while identifying how the Walled City is a representation of cultural identity of Hongkongers.

Love in a Twilight City: Negotiating Identity in Hong Kong's Queer Cinema

The Ego Death of Hong Kong

Vertical, Spacious, and Cosmopolitan: Geographical Imaginations of Hong Kong in a Japanese Artist’s Anime Fan Arts
Man Po analyses how a Japanese artist's anime fan arts portray Hong Kong as a vertical, uncrowded, and cosmopolitan city.

Reconciling with the Motherland: the Future of Hong Kong Youth
Stephanie explores the increasing migration of Hong Kong's youth to mainland China for economic opportunities post the 2019 pro-democracy protests.

Tracing the Amalgamation of British and Chinese Influences in the Hong Kong Education System
Sunnie Chan looks into traces of British influence in Hong Kong’s education system in an exploration of Western influences in the Asian financial center.

The Flee from National Security Law: 12 Hong Kong Youths, Activists and BN(O) Families
'On 23 August 2020, 12 Hong Kongers aged 16 to 30, who were heading to Taiwan on a speedboat to seek asylum, were intercepted by Chinese coastguards and remain detained in Shenzhen without access to their family and lawyers of their choice till today' reports Aiden Chan in this #news article. From contextualization of the current #save12 movement to updates on the UK's BN(O) visa scheme, this article sheds light on recent events in Hong Kong following the passing of the National Security Law back in July.

One Year Ago Today: Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill
To mark the finale of our ‘Hong Kong: One Year Ago Today’ initiative as well as the significance of last year’s event, we reveal to you our final Opinion piece, ‘One Year Ago Today: Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill’. Reflecting on the events of last year, the article revisits ‘the rationale, the content of the bill that started it all, as well as the reasons for its widespread opposition.’

Hong Kong’s Role as ‘A Mere Pawn’ in the Game of US-China Relations
It has often been critiqued that the Hong Kong people’s trustful calls for the US President Donald Trump to ‘save’ the city during the current climate of crisis as futile and redundant in their approach. Not only are the demonstrators being used to ‘further their own ruin’ but are simply deluded by the apparent support from the Western media, equating maximum media exposure as shows of solidarity and support.

The ‘Limp and Inane’ versus the ‘Outspoken’: Foreign Government Reactions to the ‘Hong Kong Crisis’
From the Anti-extradition Demonstrations in Hong Kong back in 2019 to the current controversies over the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong’s issues have since become a focal point of international attention.