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‘An Insider’s Perspective’: Immigrants in Malaysia
Initially, I was rather proud of my country’s response to this pandemic...However, this show of solidarity in handling a crisis could not be more starkly contrasted to Malaysia’s treatment of immigrants and refugees.

Refugees and Migrant Workers in Asia – the forgotten victims of Covid-19?
From migrant workers in India, Rohingya refugees and their deportation from Malaysian shores, to the apparent systematic indifference and discrimination in Singapore’s handling of covid-19 amongst its migrant worker community. ‘Covid-19 has not only caused a global public health crisis, but also a humanitarian emergency.’

NOA Episode 4 Singapore’s Response to Coronavirus: The ‘Golden Standard’
On another episode of Narratives of Asia, we will be interviewing Dr Anita Soosay, a medical doctor working and living in Singapore, to discuss Singapore’s response to coronavirus: what went right, what went wrong and where we go from here. Previously recognised by the WHO for its initial virus response as the ‘Gold Standard’, spikes in cases amongst the migrant worker communities poses a challenge to its prior abilities to curb the initial number of infections without calling for a complete lockdown.⠀

NOA Episode 3 Coronavirus and Racism: the Asian American Narrative
On another episode of Narratives of Asia, we will be continuing on our previous theme of Coronavirus and Racism. Due to a combination of media stigmatization and perpetuation of the virus origins, anti-Chinese sentiments have increased greatly across the international community, witnessing dramatic increases in racist attacks, harassment and assaults.

The ‘Coronavirus Conspiracy Dimension’
Out of the 2,023 Americans that participated in the Atlantic’s poll on these theories, 29% believe that the threat of the virus was being exaggerated to hurt President Trump’s chances at re-election and 31% believe that the virus was created and spread on purpose. Whilst considerably high, the survey results indicate that formation of what is known as a ‘natural ceiling in conspiracy beliefs’.

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: ‘Groundless Accusations’ or Battle of the Narrative?
Amidst calls for ‘transparency and accountability’, fears mount within the country over its own national security and global biosecurity as Prime Minister Scott Morrison glosses over the nature of the country’s own involvement in bat research as part of a partnership research project conducted between Australia’s Animal Health Laboratory at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

‘Once Upon A Virus’

The Five-Eyes Intelligence Dossier: A Brief Overview
Report from the Daily Telegraph Australia, 4th May, revealed that a 15-page document had recently been obtained by the Saturday Telegraph which laid the foundations of the argument for China’s involvement in the coronavirus pandemic. Illustrated by a loose grouping of 5 themes, the alleged ‘dossier’, issued by the Five-Eyes network, listed out various accusations against China’s management of the crisis and further insinuated that China was ‘not acting like a responsible international citizen.’

NOA Episode 1.1 Coronavirus and Racism
I think the interesting thing about us being Asians is that we are minority but not in the same sense as other people. There is a term they use to describe this, which is ‘model minority’. So we are the minority, but we are not too different.